

Several creatives in search of a universe

Creators & Storytellers

Authors are creators; the minute you write, or paint, or photograph, or sculpt, you are an author. Storytellers are authors; they can also be narrators, actors, performers, artists. Together, we build worlds.


There are multiple groups loosely linked together in a creative community: actors who write, writers who design, directors who paint, producers who take photographs – some skills overlap, leading to new ideas and discoveries: multipotentiality. We believe in this.

Share & Exchange

This site aims to spotlight what’s happening in the world of the creator, to offer prompts and stimulus when the dreaded creator’s block looms, and to link up with artistic communities and individuals. Being artistic does not necessarily mean you have to be alone.

The Creativity Process
  • The Idea
  • Development
  • Completion


“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”

Albert Einstein


Act on your idea, do not give up on it, and remember to share.

About Us

A loosely connected group of creatives who believe in sharing

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